Appraisal of Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Menstruation among Rural and Urban Adolescent Girls of District Bareilly
Adolescence, Menstruation, Knowledge, Attitude, PracticesAbstract
Introduction: The manner in which a girl learns about menstruation and its associated changes may have an impact on her response to the event of menarche.
Material & Methods: In the present study adolescent girls aged 10-19 years, attending 6th to 10th class in the selected government and private schools willing to participate, were included in the study.
Result: Nearly three fourth of urban girls 156 (74.3%) and two-third 139 (66.2%) of rural girls knew that menstruation is a normal physiological process. More number of urban adolescent girls 145 (69.1%) as compared to rural 127(60.5%) stated that it is important to maintain cleanliness during menstruation. Almost half of the adolescent girls 176(48.3%) were found to use sanitary pads during menstruation.
Conclusion: Overall, menstrual practices are better in the urban area as compared to rural area. Still, there is need for sensitizing the adolescent girls and increasing their knowledge towards menstrual practices. An integrated menstrual education program should emphasize the physiological basis of menstruation.
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