The National Journal of Community Medicine (eISSN: 2229-6816, pISSN: 0976-3325) is a monthly peer-reviewed open access journal (CC BY-SA 4.0). The journal publishes research articles, focusing on epidemiology, public health, environmental and occupational health, biostatistics, health care delivery, medical anthropology and social medicine. Learn more about the journal's Aims & Scope. NJCM is indexed by SCOPUS, DOAJ, Scimago Journal Ranking.
Inform Consent Policy
General Principles:
The journal requires all studies involving human participants to obtain informed consent before participation. Informed consent ensures that participants understand the nature, purpose, risks, and benefits of the study and voluntarily agree to participate.
Requirements for Informed Consent:
Authors must confirm in their manuscript that:
- Informed consent was obtained from all participants or their legal guardians prior to data collection.
- The consent process provided participants with clear and comprehensible information about the study.
- Participants were informed of their right to withdraw at any time without consequences.
- If applicable, consent was obtained for the publication of identifying information, including images, videos, or personal details.
- Confidentiality and data protection measures were in place to safeguard participant information.
Methods of Informed Consent:
Informed consent may be obtained through different methods, including but not limited to:
- Written Consent: Signed consent forms provided by participants or their legal representatives.
- Audio or Video Recording: Verbal consent recorded through audio or video means, particularly in cases where written consent is impractical.
- Electronic Consent: Digital signatures or electronic consent forms used in online surveys or remote research.
- Implicit Consent: In specific low-risk studies, such as anonymized surveys, participation itself may imply consent, provided that clear information is given upfront.
The chosen method must be appropriate to the study design and ethical guidelines, ensuring participant comprehension and voluntary participation.
Exceptions to Informed Consent:
In certain cases, a waiver of informed consent may be granted by an ethics committee or institutional review board (IRB) when:
- The research involves less than minimal risk and obtaining consent is impracticable.
- Retrospective studies use anonymized or de-identified data.
- Publicly available datasets are used with no personally identifiable information.
If a waiver was granted, authors must provide a justification in their manuscript along with details of the approving ethics committee.
Special Considerations
- Vulnerable Populations: Additional safeguards must be in place for research involving minors, cognitively impaired individuals, or other vulnerable groups. Consent must be obtained from a legally authorized representative where applicable.
- Genetic and Biobank Research: For studies involving genetic material, biobanks, or data sharing, explicit consent must be obtained for future use of samples or data.
- Clinical Trials: All clinical trials must be registered in an appropriate registry, and informed consent documentation must comply with regulatory requirements.
Manuscript Submission Requirements:
Authors must include a statement in their manuscript confirming:
- That informed consent was obtained from all participants.
- The method of informed consent used (written, audio, video, electronic, or other forms).
- Whether ethics committee approval was obtained.
- Any relevant details about data confidentiality and participant rights.
Failure to comply with informed consent requirements may result in manuscript rejection or retraction after publication. The journal reserves the right to request additional documentation or clarification from authors.
Editorial Oversight:
The journal’s editorial team and peer reviewers will assess compliance with informed consent requirements. Ethical concerns may be referred to the journal’s ethics committee for further review.
By submitting a manuscript, authors confirm that they have adhered to these informed consent policies and ethical guidelines.