Knowledge, Attitude and Practices Regarding Family Planning Among the Currently Married Men in a Rural Area of Jhalawar District, Rajasthan
Married men, Family Planning, Knowledge, Attitude, PracticeAbstract
Introduction: Population explosion has been India's major prob- lem since independence. Adoption of family planning methods is one of the best solutions to tackle this problem. To achieve targets in family planning programme active involvement of men is re- quired hence exploring the role of men regarding contraceptive practices is important.
Objective: The study conducted to assess Knowledge, Attitude and Practices regarding Family planning among the married men.
Material and method: A cross-sectional study was conducted in a rural health-training center area of Jhalawar Medical College, Ra- jasthan from June, 2018 to Oct. 2018. A pretested semi structured questionnaire was used for data collection.
Results: Among the 220 participants, (75.45%) were using some family planning method. 30% participant has average knowledge, 65.5% good knowledge about contraceptive method. 93.18% has good attitude and 6.82% has poor attitude. 80% participant had good practice regarding family planning.
Conclusion: majority of participants were having good knowledge and attitude towards family planning methods and the current use of family planning methods was good.
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