A Binary Logistic Regression Model to Identify the Factors Associated with Unmet Need for Family Planning Among Married Women
Unmet need, Met need, Family planning, odds ratio, married women (MW)Abstract
Background: Unplanned pregnancy related to unmet need is a worldwide problem that affects society and bad impact on health of the women. Contraceptive use has increased in the recent years in the developing countries like India, has the desire for smaller families, however, millions of women, more than 150 million women want to delay or avoid pregnancy but are not using any type of contraception, these women are considered to have unmet need for family planning.
Aim and Objectives: Factors which are associated with unmet need for family planning among married women and test binary logistic regression model
Methods: 1200 married women in the age group of 15-49 years were selected randomly from Kalaburagi from which 600 from ur- ban and 600 from rural areas by using multistage sampling and data analyzed by using SPSS software
Results: Estimated odds ratio and higher odds of having unmet need for family planning for various factors are estimated and test of significance at p<0.05.
Conclusion: We found, Age, Education of married women, Educa- tion of husband, Family Income, Ideal age for marriage having higher odds ratios indicate higher unmet need and logistic regres- sion model is quite useful model for estimating unmet need for family planning.
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