A Study on Knowledge, Attitude and Practice Regarding Fami-ly Planning Methods among Women Residing in Peri-Urban Area of Bangalore City


  • Jagadish S Devaru Dept of community medicine, Dr B R Ambedkar Medical college & hospital, Bangalore
  • Bushra Jabeen Dept of community medicine, Karna-taka institute of Medical Sciences, Hubballi
  • M Puttaswmy Dept of community medicine, Dr B R Ambedkar medical college and hospi-tal, Bangalore




Contraception, Rurak, Knowledge, attitude, family planning


Introduction: India is currently facing problems with pre-fix of ‘P’. They are “population explosion”, poverty, and pollution. Population explosion is directly perpetuating the other two problems. Family planning is the only safest and cost effective strategies to have impact on health of women. In many studies it was found that though people were aware of contraceptives but its usage was limited. To know the various factors influencing usage of family planning methods this study was conducted. The study was conducted to assess knowledge, attitude and practice of various family planning methods.

Methodology: Cross–sectional study conducted by face to face interview of selected women using a questionnaire.

Results: Total of 80% of women were aware that family planning is about limitation of births but, 208 (64.8%) women had ever used contraceptive. And 22 (10.58%) of them have faced minor complications, which has either self-resolved or on medication. The most common reason for not using contraceptive was being uncomfortable (81.42%) to use them.

Conclusions: Women had good knowledge regarding contraceptives, but most of the women followed methods suggested by their elders. Advertisement regarding newer methods has to be strengthened.


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How to Cite

Devaru JS, Jabeen B, Puttaswmy M. A Study on Knowledge, Attitude and Practice Regarding Fami-ly Planning Methods among Women Residing in Peri-Urban Area of Bangalore City. Natl J Community Med [Internet]. 2020 Feb. 29 [cited 2025 Mar. 12];11(02):80-6. Available from: https://njcmindia.com/index.php/file/article/view/217



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