Contraceptive Knowledge, Attitude and Practices in Mothers of Infant: A Cross-Sectional Study
Knowledge, Attitude, Practices, family planningAbstract
A cross-sectional study regarding knowledge, attitude & practices of family planning was conducted in an immunization center of Indore district. All the females coming to immunization center for vaccinating their infants were interviewed using a pretested, semi structured Performa during a fixed study period. The Performa included details like socio demographic features, questions related to knowledge, attitude and practices (KAP) regarding contraceptive use. Results showed poor contraceptive knowledge amongst females. 18% KAP Gap was found in total subjects. Maximum KAP Gap was found in the 19-21year age group. The KAP Gap was not significantly more in Muslim women as compare to Hindu women. The KAP Gap was more in Housewives than other occupations. Knowledge of various family planning methods should be provided to all the females coming to health center.
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