Awareness About Menstruation and Menstrual Hygiene Practices Among Adolescent Girls in Central India


  • Sanjay Dixit M.G.M. Medical College, Indore
  • Deepa Raghunath M.G.M. Medical College, Indore
  • Rahul Rokade M.G.M. Medical College, Indore
  • Syed Akbar Nawaz M.G.M. Medical College, Indore
  • Taruna Nagdeve M.G.M. Medical College, Indore
  • Ishu Goyal M.G.M. Medical College, Indore


Menstrual hygiene, awareness, sanitary pad


Background: Menstruation is a natural phenomenon unique to women and menstrual hygiene is fundamental to the wellbeing of women and girls.

Objectives: To find the awareness about menstruation among ado- lescent girls in a government and private school and ascertain their menstrual hygiene practices.

Methods: A cross sectional study was done on 100 girls between age of 12-16 years studying in a government school and a private school, after taking consent from the authority in charge. A self- administered, semi-structured, pre-tested questionnaire was used to find out Socio Demographic profile, Knowledge of menstrua- tion and Practices during menstruation. Chi square test with Yates correction was applied.

Results: Mother was the first informant regarding menstruation in case of 70% of girls with 54% in government school and 86% girls in private school. For genital cleaning purpose 44% girls used both soap and water with 60% girls from government school and 28% from private school and 56% girls used plain water. Sanitary pads were used among 98% girls out of which 38% girls used the absor- bent material for 6-12 hours in which 50% belonged to private school and 16% belonged to government school.

Conclusion: Awareness was higher and better menstrual hygiene was seen in the private school as compared to government school.


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How to Cite

Dixit S, Raghunath D, Rokade R, Nawaz SA, Nagdeve T, Goyal I. Awareness About Menstruation and Menstrual Hygiene Practices Among Adolescent Girls in Central India. Natl J Community Med [Internet]. 2016 Jun. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 11];7(06):468-73. Available from:



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