Effect Of Antenatal Exercise on Outcome of Labor


  • AK Khatri MGM Medical College, Indore, MP
  • Suraj Sirohi MGM Medical College, Indore, MP
  • Sanjay Dixit MGM Medical College, Indore, MP
  • Shailesh Rai MGM Medical College, Indore, MP
  • Dhruvendra Pandey MGM Medical College, Indore, MP


Antenatal exercise, Pregnancy, birth weight, urinary incontinence, Caesarean section


Background: Safe maternity with improved neonatal outcomes is predicated on proper antenatal care services. Exercise has become a fundamental aspect of women's lives and an important constituent of antenatal care.

Objective: To find out effectiveness of antenatal exercise in facilitating normal labor and also other benefits associated with antenatal exercise during pregnancy.

Methodology: A cross-sectional study was conducted in urban area (private clinic and government institution) of Indore district where antenatal exercise facility was available. Samples were selected using sequential sampling method. Sample size included 200 females (100 performing antenatal exercise and 100 non exercising females). Inclusion Criteria included all the recently delivered females practice exercise or not during their pregnancy, stand in age group of 20 to 35 years, not had any history of medical condition like Asthma, Diabetes, Hypertension, Bad obstetric history, Cephalo-pelvic disproportion and Twin pregnancy, and gave informed consent to participate in study. A semi structured questionnaire was used as study tool for interview. Chi square test was applied for significance association between variable.

Result: In this study, only 36% group B females were delivered normally, as compared to 74% group A females who delivered normally. In group A only 9% females had urinary incontinence after delivery and 30% females had complain of backache. Major source of information (87%) for females were gynecologist. Main reason for not doing antenatal exercise was not having enough time (42%) followed by not having enough knowledge (31%).

Conclusion: Females practiced antenatal exercise had less chances of caesarean section, back ache and urinary incontinence. Gynecologists were major source of information for antenatal exercise.


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How to Cite

Khatri A, Sirohi S, Dixit S, Rai S, Pandey D. Effect Of Antenatal Exercise on Outcome of Labor. Natl J Community Med [Internet]. 2014 Sep. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 12];5(03):342-5. Available from: https://njcmindia.com/index.php/file/article/view/1409



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