Study of Sociodemographic Factors Affecting Low Birth Weight Babies in Tertiary Care Centre


  • Suchita N Kawale Mallareddy Institute of Medical Science, Suraram, Hydrabad
  • Manjusha A Shinde , Chalmeda Anandrao Institute of Medical Sciences, Kareemnagar, Telangana
  • Prashant S Shinde Gleneagles Global hospital, Hydrabad


Low birth weight, Neonatal intensive care unit, Tertiary care centre, Sociodemographic factors


Introduction: The birth weight of an infant is the single most important determinant of its chances of survival, healthy growth and development. Low birth weight is mainly caused by prematurity (short gestation) or intrauterine growth retardation. The incidence of low birth weight in India varies between 25-30% and of which 60-65% are because of intrauterine growth retardation.There are numerous maternal and foetal factors resulting in low birth weight babies. This study is aimed to assess the sociodemographic factors affecting the low birth weight.

Methods: The present study was a hospital based observational descriptive study. The study was undertaken in neonatal intensive care unit of department of paediatrics of tertiary care centre. The study period was from January 2016 to December 2016 i.e. total period of one year. The low birth babies according to WHO criteria i. e. less than 2500g admitted in neonatal intensive care units in one year were selected which were 360.Among the 360 babies admitted, there was male preponderance with male to female ratio of 1.3:1. There was statistically significant association found between sex, low socioeconomic status, religion, maternal risk factors like age, primigravida, less than 2yrs spacing, bad obstetric history, pregnancy induced hypertention and low birth weight babies (p < 0.05).


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How to Cite

Kawale SN, Shinde MA, Shinde PS. Study of Sociodemographic Factors Affecting Low Birth Weight Babies in Tertiary Care Centre. Natl J Community Med [Internet]. 2019 Dec. 31 [cited 2025 Mar. 29];10(12):634-40. Available from:



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