A Study of Low Birth Weight and Associated Maternal Factors in A Rural Field Practice Area of a Medical College at Ahmedabad City of Gujarat


  • KamleshKumar Jain GCS Medical College, Hospital and Research Centre, Ahmedabad
  • Bhavik Rana GCS Medical College, Hospital and Research Centre, Ahmedabad
  • Rujul Shukla GCS Medical College, Hospital and Research Centre, Ahmedabad
  • Vasu Rathod GCS Medical College, Hospital and Research Centre, Ahmedabad




Low Birth Weight, Maternal Factors, Rural Area


Introduction: In developed countries, about 50% of all Low-Birth-Weight new born are preterm. Low birth weight is also a leading cause of neonatal death and major risk factor for infant and under-five morbidity and mortality.

Objectives: To find out prevalence of low birth weight& to determine the association of socio-demographic variables, maternal medical and obstetric risk factors with low birth weight.

Methodology: Across sectional community-based study was conducted in a rural field practice area of a medical college. A total of 600 participants (mothers who delivered within 3 months) were included in the study.

Results: The prevalence of LBW was found to be 17% in the current study. Statistically significant association was obtained between age, education, occupation, socio-economic class of participants and birth weight of the child. The prevalence of LBW was found to be significantly high (51.7%) amongst children of those participants who consumed/used tobacco in any form.

Conclusion: The prevalence of the LBW was found to be 17%. Extremes of reproductive age group, illiteracy, occupation of labourer, SEC class IV, grand-multiparity, inadequate IFA consumption, short stature, weight of mother and use of tobacco were found to be significantly affecting the birth weight and associated with low birth weight.


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How to Cite

Jain K, Rana B, Shukla R, Rathod V. A Study of Low Birth Weight and Associated Maternal Factors in A Rural Field Practice Area of a Medical College at Ahmedabad City of Gujarat. Natl J Community Med [Internet]. 2022 Jul. 31 [cited 2025 Mar. 27];13(07):473-7. Available from: https://njcmindia.com/index.php/file/article/view/2099



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