Association between Maternal Age at Childbirth and Infant Health Outcome in a Prospective Birth Cohort from a Small Town Hospitals of Southern Gujarat


  • Nitin Solanki GMERS Medical College, Dharpur, Patan, Gujarat
  • Rakesh Shah NHL Municipal Medical College, Ahmedabad
  • Abhay Kavishwar Govt. Medical College, Surat
  • Vipul Chaudhari Government Medical College, Surat


Maternal Age, Teenage Pregnancy, infant death, low birth weight, primi


Introduction: The practice of child marriage resulting to teenage pregnancy in rural India is deeply rooted in cultural values. This leads to adolescent pregnancy and poor child carrying resulting poor infant heath outcome.

Objective: To study an association between maternal age and infant health outcomes.

Study design: Community based prospective study.

Materials and methods: Community based prospective cohort study was carried out in the Gandevi Block of Gujarat. Selected participants were interviewed using pre designed and pre tested questionnaires.

Results: There were 37 Adolescent mothers and 68 adult mothers (control cohort). 32.4% Adolescent mothers were illiterate. 70.3% adolescent mothers and 30.9% adult mothers were primi. 43.2% adolescent mothers and 23.5% adult mothers gave birth to pre term babies. Proportion of low birth weight was also high among the adolescent mothers (62.2%) compared to adult mothers (39.7%). Episodes of illness and hospitalization of infants were higher among adolescent mothers.

Conclusion: This study concluded with the findings that maternal age at childbirth has significant impact on the health status of infant. Also factors like education, types of family, socio-economic status and occupation of the mothers were related to birth weight of the newborns. Avoiding teenage pregnancies, improving the socio-economic status of people and infant mortality rates were significantly associated with preterm delivery, low birth weight and per capita income.


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How to Cite

Solanki N, Shah R, Kavishwar A, Chaudhari V. Association between Maternal Age at Childbirth and Infant Health Outcome in a Prospective Birth Cohort from a Small Town Hospitals of Southern Gujarat. Natl J Community Med [Internet]. 2017 May 31 [cited 2025 Mar. 12];8(05):257-61. Available from:



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