A Comparative Study of Knowledge Regarding Reproductive Health among Rural & Urban Adolescent Girls in District Bareilly


  • Priyanka Kumar SRMSIMS Bareilly
  • Sumit Saxena TSM Medical College & Hospital
  • Shyam Bihari Gupta SRMSIMS Bareilly
  • Nipun Agarwal SRMSIMS Bareilly
  • Danish Imtiaz SRMSIMS Bareilly


Adolescent girls, Knowledge, Reproductive Health


Introduction: Adolescents constitute perhaps the healthiest group in the population, having the lowest mortality and  morbidity  when compared with other population age groups. Reproductive health covers all aspects of adolescent health. In order to lead healthy, responsible & fulfilling lives & protect themselves from reproductive health problems youngsters need to be knowledge- able about themselves& need adequate information about the physical& psychological changes that take place during puberty, menstruation, pregnancy & child birth.

Material & Methods: The present cross sectional study was con- ducted among the adolescent girls registered at government and private schools in the areas served by department of Community Medicine, SRMSIMS, Bareilly. 210 adolescent girls each were sur- veyed from schools in both rural as well as urban area making a total sample size of 420.

Result: Nearly three fourth of urban girls 156 (74.3%) and two- third 139 (66.2%) of rural girls knew that menstruation is a normal physiological process. More urban girls 88 (41.9%) than rural 51(24.3%) were aware of uterus being the source of menstrual bleeding.

Conclusion: While assessing the knowledge of adolescent girls re- garding reproductive health, it was seen that urban girls have bet- ter knowledge as compared to rural girls.


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How to Cite

Kumar P, Saxena S, Gupta SB, Agarwal N, Imtiaz D. A Comparative Study of Knowledge Regarding Reproductive Health among Rural & Urban Adolescent Girls in District Bareilly. Natl J Community Med [Internet]. 2019 Apr. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 29];10(04):212-7. Available from: https://njcmindia.com/index.php/file/article/view/488



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