A Cross Sectional Study on Factors Influencing Utilization of Antenatal Health Services in Bhojipura Block, District Bareilly
Antenatal care, ANC, RDW, Recommonded Daily Allowance, Anemia, Nutrition, MalnutritionAbstract
Background: Antenatal care is the care of the woman during pregnancy. The primary aim of antenatal care is to achieve at the end of a pregnancy a healthy mother and a healthy baby. In order to increase the utilization of antenatal care facility and thereby reducing the maternal morbidity and mortality, there is a need to understand the factors acting as barriers in the utilization of ANC among women.
Material & Methods: A community based cross-sectional study was conducted in Bhojipura Block, rural field practice area of department of Community Medicine, Shri Ram Murti Samarak Institute of Medical Sciences, Bareilly India. Total 480 Recently Delivered Women (RDW) were interviewed.
Result: Majority 419 (87.3%) of RDW were registered for pregnancy and out of 419 RDW, 255 (60.8%) pregnant women registered in second trimester. Most of the ANC services were facilitated by ASHA 267 (55.6%) to RDW and maximum 369 (76.9%) RDW received only two antenatal check-up.
Conclusion: It needs to be emphasized here that early registration should be utilized for continuum of care and institutional delivery. The age, education, religion, type of family, birth order and socioeconomic status of RDW significantly influence in ANC service utilization.
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