Perspectives On Health Care Cost-Consciousness among Medical Students and Physicians


  • Balaji Arumugam Indira Medical College & Hospitals, Tiruvallur, Chennai
  • Sivapriya Kandallu RS Panimalar Medical College Hospital & Research Institute, Poonamalle, Chennai
  • Jeevanandham S Tagore Medical College & Hospital, Chennai



Cost conscious care, focus group discussion, health care expenditure, mixed method design, Qualitative research


Introduction: Health care costs consciousness refers to care that aims to assess the benefits, harms and costs of interventions by the physicians. Rising health care costs have created an urgent need to improve physicians’ knowledge on health care costs for providing cost conscious care.

Objectives: This study was done to assess and compare the knowledge and attitude towards health care cost consciousness of the undergraduate medical students and interns.

Methodology: A Mixed Method study was done using a standardized questionnaire among 388 medical students and a Qualitative approach using In-depth interviews with 15 practicing physicians and a Focus group discussion to understand their perceptions on cost-conscious care and their opinions on introducing Cost-conscious curriculum for the medical students. Data analysed using a framework analytical approach and NVivo12.

Results: 84% of the students agreed that all health personnel should be familiar with health care costs, 84.5% agreed that inclusion of the health care cost consciousness in medical curriculum is important for their carrier. The themes emerged identified the various perceptions, determinants on health care costs, cost-conscious decision making and their responsibility as a physician.

Conclusion: The physicians and interns strongly suggested including a structured learning on Cost-Conscious Care as a part of medical education to educate and train the future physicians.


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How to Cite

Arumugam B, Kandallu RS S, Jeevanandham S. Perspectives On Health Care Cost-Consciousness among Medical Students and Physicians. Natl J Community Med [Internet]. 2022 Apr. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 29];13(04):207-12. Available from:



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