Determinants Of Maternal Mortality: An Empirical Study of Indian States Based on The Random Effect Model Analysis
Maternal Mortality Ratio, Per capita Government Health Expenditure, Antenatal Care, Out-of-Pocket Expenditure, Institutional delivery, Postnatal CareAbstract
Background: Healthcare for mothers and children is a significant indicator of a country's well-being. India is one of the nations that were experiencing a rather slow improvement in maternal and child health.
Aims: The objective of this study is to analyse the changes in maternal healthcare in India from 2010-11 in health inputs like health infrastructure and government expenditure, health outcomes like antenatal care, postnatal care, institutional delivery, and health impact like Maternal Mortality Ratio (MMR).
Methodology: The study is based on secondary data. It employs Average Increasing Rate (AIR) and Average Reduction Rate (ARR), as well as a panel data random effect model, on key health indicators for Indian states.
Results: Empirical results say MMR has a statistically significant inverse relationship with female literacy, Per capita Net State Domestic Product (PNSDP), and institutional delivery. The study concludes that after the introduction of NRHM and its constituent elements like JSY and JSSK, government expenditure on health, infrastructure, the percentage of antenatal care, post-natal care, and institutional delivery increased in most of the Indian states, thus helping to increase the pace of the reduction of MMR. However, state performance varies greatly.
Conclusions: Policy alone will not provide the desired results; it is also critical to focus on education, particularly female literacy, and economic empowerment. We can make a difference in the health sector if these come together.
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