Health Care Seeking Behavior and Awareness of Maternal and Child Health Practices in A Rural Village Of Madhya Pradesh


  • Sonia Tiwari SAMC & PGI, Indore
  • Richa Nigam SAMC & PGI, Indore
  • Raj S Waware SAMC & PGI, Indore
  • Ram K Chandorkar SAMC & PGI, Indore


Health seeking behaviour, Maternal and child health practices


Background: The main goal of National Rural Health Mission is to reduce Infant mortality rate and Maternal mortality rate by promoting new born care, immunization, antenatal care, institutional delivery and postpartum care.  The study was conducted to assess health seeking behavior; common ailments; practices of maternal and child health care; and awareness about existing schemes for benefit of mother and child.

Materials and Methods: Study done by interviewing married male and female attending OPD at Raghogarh in Guna District (Madhya Pradesh) with the help of semi-structured questionnaire.

Results: The proportion of pregnant women who received at least 3 antenatal checkups was 51% (p>0.05). The coverage of women receiving tetanus toxoid and iron and folic acid was 92%. Out of which the coverage from government hospital was 56%, private hospital was 36% (p<0.05).The coverage of institutional delivery was 54%.The percentage of children immunized with the basic six vaccine preventable diseases was 85%. For contraception, 26% practiced tubectomy, 24% Oral Contraceptive Pills and 28% barrier method and 22% didn’tanswer. Only 38% subjects preferred utilization of government hospital facility, 62% had opted private hospital (p<0.05).Self medication in case of minor ailments was used by 57% of respondents.

Conclusion: It was found that about half of the total pregnant women had atleast 3 antenatal checkups,85% children were immunized, more than 50% deliveries were institutional,22% people did’nt responded regarding the practice of contraception.


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How to Cite

Tiwari S, Nigam R, Waware RS, Chandorkar RK. Health Care Seeking Behavior and Awareness of Maternal and Child Health Practices in A Rural Village Of Madhya Pradesh. Natl J Community Med [Internet]. 2014 Mar. 31 [cited 2025 Mar. 25];5(01):105-8. Available from:



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