A Descriptive Study on Risk Factors for Common Non-Communicable Diseases among the Students of a Nursing Training School Attached To a Tertiary Care Hospital of West Bengal


  • Kamalika Das College of Medicine & Sagore Dutta Hospital, Kolkata
  • Palash Das Rampurhat Govt. Medical College & Hospital, Birbhum




Adolescent, Non-communicable disease, lifestyle modification, Body mass index, Waist hip ratio


Introduction: Several risk factors would be the predominant cause of non-communicable diseases among the young adolescents girls life style modification maybe the methodology for health promotion & prevention of such non-communicable disease prevalence.

Objectives: To identify the several predisposing factors responsible for non-communicable health problems among the young adolescence.

Materials & Methods: Sample size was 212 and sampling technique was complete enumeration. A descriptive study was conducted where data analyzed through statistical methods like, chi square test.

Result: Study shows majority of the adolescent less than 20yers old and mostly from rural origin and non vegetarian. Most of them had the habit of vegetable & fruit intake though there was no case of addiction but only 56% were habituated with exercise.

Conclusion: Unhealthy diet pattern, lack of regular exercise would be the predominant cause of different non-communicable disease pattern where LSM is the best way to rectify the situation.


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How to Cite

Das K, Das P. A Descriptive Study on Risk Factors for Common Non-Communicable Diseases among the Students of a Nursing Training School Attached To a Tertiary Care Hospital of West Bengal. Natl J Community Med [Internet]. 2021 May 31 [cited 2025 Mar. 26];12(05):106-9. Available from: https://njcmindia.com/index.php/file/article/view/316



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