Association Of Socio-Demographic Determinants with Economic Burden Among Road Traffic Accident Victims: A Longitudinal Study
Longitudinal study, Community-based study, Road traffic accidents, Economic burden, Socio-demographic determinantsAbstract
Background: RTA are the sixth leading cause of death in India with a greater share of hospitalization, disabilities, deaths and socio-economic losses. The study was conducted to assess the socio-demographic determinants asso-ciated with households’ economic burden among RTA victims.
Methods: A longitudinal study was conducted for 2 years in Puducherry employing simple random sampling to include 169 accident victims. Baseline data was collected with a semi-structured questionnaire on socio-demographic details, direct and indirect costs towards road traffic injuries. Follow up was at 6th and 12th month from the day of accident. Data entry and analysis were performed using Epi-data. Written informed consent from each participant was sought. Ethical clearance received.
Results: Mean age of the accident victims was 36.2 (11.4) years. The median (IQR) for direct, indirect and total expenses were INR 1500 (1000-22100), 18000 (2400-46500) and 3000 (1037-47125) respectively. Association between the median (IQR) indirect expenses and marital status as well as socio-economic status of victims were found to be statistically significant.
Conclusion: Accident victims and their family faced financial burden, as a large proportion of victims were from productive age group belonging to lower- and middle-class income group.
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