ICD 10 Classification of Non-Fatal Road Traffic Accident Cases Admitted in Tertiary Care Hospital in Central India


  • Yogesh Balaso Patil RCSM GMC Kolhapur
  • Dadasaheb Dhage DGHS, Maharashtra
  • Mohan Khamgaonkar MUHS, Nashik


Road traffic accidents, ICD 10, Pedestrian


Background: In the background of high epidemiologic propor- tions of road traffic accidents and the fact that very few explora- tory studies were reported from central India, the present study  was undertaken to study ICD 10 classification of non-fatal road traffic accident.

Methodology: Total 300 road traffic accident cases admitted in ter- tiary care hospital in city during period of one year (20th may 2014 to 22nd may 2015) were included in the study with predefined in- clusion and exclusion criteria. ICD 10 coding of study subjects was recorded in the proforma.

Results: Out of total 300 accident cases there were 34 (11.33%) pedal cyclist, 148 (49.33%) motorcycle occupants and 11 (3.67%) were occupants of three wheeler. Out of 83 pedestrians injured, 55 (66.26%) had collision with 2 or 3 wheeler vehicles. Out of 148 mo- torcycle occupants who were injured in accidents, 47 (31.71%) had non collision transport accidents. Out of 19 car occupants injured in accidents, 8 (42.11%) had non collision transport accidents

Conclusions: Majority of pedestrians and pedal-cyclists injured had collisions with two or three wheelers. Majority of motorcycle occupants injured had non-collision transport accidents.


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How to Cite

Patil YB, Dhage D, Khamgaonkar M. ICD 10 Classification of Non-Fatal Road Traffic Accident Cases Admitted in Tertiary Care Hospital in Central India. Natl J Community Med [Internet]. 2019 Jun. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 9];10(06):357-60. Available from: https://njcmindia.com/index.php/file/article/view/519



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