A Comparative Study of Morbidity Profile of Traffic Policemen and Non Traffic Policemen in Solapur City of Western Maharashtra


  • Santosh J Haralkar Dr VM Govt. Medical College, Solapur, Maharashtra
  • Rahul N Gite Public Health, Zilha Parishad, Hingoli


Morbidity, auditory, respiratory symptoms, traffic policemen


Introduction: The traffic policemen are engaged in controlling ve- hicular traffic and are typically exposed to higher concentrations of transport related air pollution as well as noise pollution daily. Hence they are at a risk of developing various health problems due to their occupation. The study was conducted to compare morbidity profile of traffic policemen with non traffic policemen

Methods: A cross sectional study was carried out on 114 traffic po- licemen and 114 non-traffic policemen. History regarding symp- toms, history of present illness, past history, personal and family history was obtained. Statistical analysis was done with the help of percentages, chi-square test and ‘t’ test.

Results: Annoyance to noise (51.75%) was the most common symptoms experienced at work place by the traffic policemen as compared to the non-traffic policemen. Respiratory morbidities were found significantly more in the traffic policemen. The traffic policemen (92.30%) had more cardiovascular disease risk than the non-traffic policemen (75%).

Conclusions: Respiratory morbidity like URTI and chronic rhinitis were found significantly more in the traffic policemen than non- traffic policemen.


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How to Cite

Haralkar SJ, Gite RN. A Comparative Study of Morbidity Profile of Traffic Policemen and Non Traffic Policemen in Solapur City of Western Maharashtra. Natl J Community Med [Internet]. 2018 Jul. 31 [cited 2025 Mar. 28];9(07):491-5. Available from: https://njcmindia.com/index.php/file/article/view/751



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