Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy: An Ongoing Holocaust
pregnancy, hypertension, disorderAbstract
Background: Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy (H.D.P.) can lead to serious complications for both mother and fetus in her womb.
Objective: To determine prevalence and some epidemiological factors of hypertensive disordersof pregnancy.
Material and Methods: Present study conducted on pregnant women attending antenatal clinicin medical college.It was a cross- sectional study. Information was obtained by face-to-faceinterviews of study subjects.
Results:Out of 1566 randomly selected study subjects, 95(6%) were hypertensive. Out of 95hypertensive pregnant women 63.3% were diagnosed as pre-eclampsia, 21.1% as gestationalhypertension, 11.5% as eclampsia and 4.1% as chronic hypertension. H.D.P. is common inwomen with age group >33yrs (20%), who arelabourer(13.2%). It is more prevalent in third trimester(11.1%) of pregnancy and in grandmultiparas (21.6%).
Conclusion: Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy are one of the common medical complicationsworsening the outcome of pregnancy.
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