Study of Hypertension and Its Associated Risk Factors among Young Adults (20-45 Yrs) In a City Of Maharashtra


  • Ismail Farukh Ali Inamdar Dr. Shankarrao Chavan Govt Medical college, Nanded
  • Dawal S Salve Public health department , Govt. of Maharashtra, Nashik
  • Priyanka C Sahu RIMS Medical College, Raipur



Hypertension, young adults, smoking, socioeconomic status, alcohol


Background: Hypertension is the most common of all the cardiovascular diseases and affects many people in developed as well as developing countries With a growing problem of hypertension worldwide, there is a concern that hypertension in young adults may also be on the rise and that cases are not detected because of inadequate screening at this age group. Therefore the need arises to conduct this study to find out the prevalence of hypertension in young population and correlation of various factors associated with it.

Methods: Present study was conducted during July 2012 to November 2014 in urban area of Maharashtra, India. Total 1590 study participants aged 20-45 years from the urban area were screened for the prevalence of hypertension and the factors associated with it. Probability proportionate sampling method use for sampling the study population for prevalence of hypertension among young adults. Informed consent was obtained from the study subjects before the conduction of the study. The data was recorded in pre-designed and semi-structured proforma.

Results: In the present study prevalence of hypertension was found to be 20.3% in urban population aged 20-45 years. Statistically significant association was observed between hypertension and age, occupation, socio-economic status, family history of hypertension, sedentary life style, smoking, smokeless tobacco and alcohol consumption.


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How to Cite

Inamdar IFA, Salve DS, Sahu PC. Study of Hypertension and Its Associated Risk Factors among Young Adults (20-45 Yrs) In a City Of Maharashtra. Natl J Community Med [Internet]. 2020 May 31 [cited 2025 Mar. 28];11(05):216-21. Available from:



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