Metabolic Syndrome and Its Associated Risk Factors and Morbidities Among Young Adults in Bhubaneswar: A Cross-Sectional Study
Metabolic Syndrome, Risk Factors, Morbidities, Young adults, BhubaneswarAbstract
Introduction: Metabolic syndrome is a combination of risk factors that increase the possibility of non-communicable diseases.
Methods: In this study, young adults, between the age of 18-35 years, were screened for signs and symptoms of MetS. The prevalence was estimated, various risk factors and morbidities were assessed.
Results: Out of 500 young adults, 69% were students and 30% were having jobs. 68% were sedentary, 6% were addicted to either/or alcohol and smoking. 55% preferred to eat fast food daily. 49% did less than 10 hours of physical activity per week. 47% slept for less than 6 hours and 38% of the young adults spent about 8-12 hours on internet. There is a significant difference in age group, literacy status, life style across the gender. Eating habits, fast food intake, physical activity, duration of sleep, BMI and waist circumference were significant risk factors. Hypertension, diabetes, cholesterol levels, low HDL-C and triglycerides contributed to development of MetS. Non-vegetarian eating habits, weekly fast-food intake, spending 8-12 hours online and sleeping less than 4-6 hours were high risk factors for developing Mets.
Conclusion: High prevalence, 25.4% (127) of MetS was observed among the young adults in this region.
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