A Study of Socio-Demographic Factors Leading to Divorce – A Social Problem
Socio-demographic factors, Divorced, SOCIAL PROBLEMAbstract
Introduction: Marriage is an important social event from which a person starts his/her marital union. In twentieth century there is increased rate of divorce. The past one year has witnessed 43,000 divorces across the country.
Objectives:-Objectives of the study was to know the socio demographic profile of the divorced couple. Find out the reasons associated with the divorced among married couple.
Materials & Method: - It is record based descriptive study. Previous 2 years data was collected from September 2012 to August 2014 from records maintained by Family court.
Results: Maximum divorced couples were from urban area (80.8%) and Hindu religion (92.8%). Majority of wives and husbands were educated up to higher secondary (37.6%) andgraduation (54.4%) respectively. 50.4% of the couple had divorce earlier in 1-4 yrs of marriage. 71.2% couple were having no children. 60.8% divorced female were married between 18-22 yrs of age. Most common reason for divorced of married couple was cruelty and desertion.
Conclusion: Most of divorce cases were seen in initial 1-4yrs of marriage and most common reason was cruelty and desertion. Family life education is needed to prevent the divorce.
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