Risk Factors and Socio-Demographic Profile in Patients with Attempted Suicide in a Tertiary Care Centre, Bengaluru: A Cross-Sectional Study
Suicide, risk factors, suicide intent, socio-demographyAbstract
Context: A high suicide rate is an index of social disorganization. In India, it is the second leading cause of death among 15-29 years age group. Young age, female sex, poor education, unemployment and socio economic deprivation are some of the potential risk factors. The study conducted to assess the risk factors and socio- demographic profile in patients with attempted suicide in a tertiary care centre.
Methods and Material: A Cross Sectional Study was conducted among 476 suicide attempted patients by convenient sampling from January 2016 to May 2017. Data was collected by using a pre- tested, semi-structured questionnaire.
Results: Mean age of study participants was 30.65+0.75 years. 57.78% of them were males. Hindus (82.98%) were predominant among the cases. Most of the suicide victims (82.97%) were from nuclear families.24.57% of study participants had family history of suicide. There was no significant association between socio- demographic factors like education, occupation and socio- economic class and the number of previous attempts.
Conclusion: Suicides and attempted suicides are slowly but stead- ily assuming the levels of a public health problem caused by multi- ple factors. Hence there is a need to address the risk factors for sui- cide attempts and preventing them by taking proper measures at individual, family and societal level.
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