Community Based Planned Intervention Targeting Perceptions, Attitudes and Health Seeking Behaviour Regarding Cancers in New Delhi: The Study Protocol


  • Tulika Seth AIIMS
  • Atul Kotwal ACMS
  • Rakesh Thakur BRIRCH
  • GK Rath BRIRCH
  • DN Sharma BRIRCH
  • Jitendra Nagpal Moolchand Hospital, New Delhi


Cancers, Mixed methods, Protocol, Behaviour, Intervention


Background: In view of the increasing burden of cancers in devel- oping countries and this study was conducted to first understand community needs and perceptions, secondly to design and im- plement evidence based preventive strategies, and lastly to test the short-term outcome of these strategies in the field.

Study Design: Cross Sectional mixed methods before and after in- tervention community based study. The study had three phases. Phase I involved understanding perceptions, attitudes and prac- tices and needs assessment using qualitative and quantitative methods, gaining from the strengths of both by combining the ap- proaches. Based on the findings of Phase I, appropriate compre- hensive interventions were designed and implemented in Phase II. A repeat survey using quantitative methodology was conducted to assess the short-term impact of the intervention. The primary out- come was change in perceptions, attitudes and contextual health care seeking practices among the community.

Results: Results of this study will be reported in peer-reviewed publications and in conference presentations

Conclusion: This first of its kind study in India has helped in un- derstanding the determinants of perceptions, attitude and prac- tices regarding cancer in the community, which helped in formu- lating need based intervention strategies. Testing the short-term outcome of intervention showed it to be effective. The study will help in policy decision making by the planners and administrators of the state.


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How to Cite

Seth T, Kotwal A, Thakur R, Rath G, Sharma D, Nagpal J. Community Based Planned Intervention Targeting Perceptions, Attitudes and Health Seeking Behaviour Regarding Cancers in New Delhi: The Study Protocol. Natl J Community Med [Internet]. 2019 Jun. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 9];10(06):323-30. Available from:



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