Pattern of Domestic Accidents among Children in Tumkur City - A Cross Sectional Study


  • S Usha Rani Sri Siddhartha medical college, Tumkur
  • R Swetha Sri Siddhartha medical college, Tumkur



domestic accidents, falls, burns, injury, children


Background: Domestic accidents are worldwide public health problems. The present study was conducted to assess the pattern of domestic accidents among children  and its association with various epidemiological factors  .

Materials and Methods: It’s a community based Cross sectional study.It was decided to study 900 households based on the sample size. 4391 population was covered in this study. Domestic accident was considered when any of the individual met with an accident inside the house or in immediate surroundings of house during last one year as listed from code V01 to X59 in chapter XX of ICD.

Results: Domestic accidents observed was 10.8%(117) out of the total study population(1083) which was more common in the age group 0-4years(69.2%). Among the domestic accidents most commonly observed one was falls(41.02%) followed by burns (33.3%). Most commonly observed place of domestic accidents was kitchen 51 (43.58) .153 (43.6) of the domestic accidents were during 6am -12 pm timings. Around 60% of the accidents occurred when children were playing within the house.

Conclusion: Domestic accidents are no longer called accidental; it’s just the price we are paying for technological progress and our ignorance. Hence even this much of prevalence has to be taken seriously, as domestic accidents can be prevented completely by minute preventive strategies.


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How to Cite

Usha Rani S, Swetha R. Pattern of Domestic Accidents among Children in Tumkur City - A Cross Sectional Study. Natl J Community Med [Internet]. 2020 May 31 [cited 2025 Feb. 22];11(05):196-200. Available from:



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