Assessment of Disability amongst Leprosy Patients: A Cross-Sectional Study
Leprosy, Disability', Disability grading, Micobacterium lepraAbstract
Introduction: Leprosy is one the public health problem in India leading to physical disabilities. In some studies the prevalence rates of disability in leprosy patients were between 16% to 56%.
Objectives: To study the socio-demographic profile of patients of leprosyand to study the factors associated with disabilities in leprosy patients.
Material and methods: This cross sectional study was carried out amongst 46 leprosy patients. Socio-demographic factors, clinical profile and WHO disability grading for disability assessment was assessed by house to house survey method.
Results:Of the 46 leprosy patients, 17 (37%) were from age group of 31 to 45 years, 30 (65.2%) were males, 21 (45.7%) belonged to Hindu, 36(78.3%) were married. 23 (50%) were from nuclear families, 17 (37%) patients educated up to primary school, 20 (43.5%)were unskilled workers, 24(52.2%) were from middle class.Clinical profile of the patients showed that 36 (78.3%) were suffering from multibacillary leprosy, 42 (91.3%) patients had no lepra reaction and 24 (52.2%) patients had at least one nerve involved.The 60.86% leprosy patients had disability (grade 1 and 2). The disability among leprosy patients was significantly associated with nerve involvement and not significantly related with sex, religion, type of family, education, socio-economic status, marital status, occupation, type of leprosy, lepra reaction.
Conclusion: More than half of the registered leprosy patients haddisability in Nanded city.
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