Non-Compliance of Post Exposure Prophylaxis amongst Dog Bite Cases Attending Antirabies Clinic of a Tertiary Care Hospital – A Record Based Study
Non-Compliance, Post exposure prophylaxis, dog biteAbstract
Introduction: Rabies, a zoonotic disease transmitted by bite of a rabid animal mostly due to dog bite. Rabies is deadly but can be prevented by post exposure prophylaxis with an effective vaccine available. Though 100% fatal disease, the victims are not regular in treatment resulting in higher defaulter rate.
Aim and Objective:- To study the non-compliance of post exposure prophylaxis with antirabies vaccine and factors associated with it.
Material and Methods:- The present record based study was con- ducted at Govt. Medical College, Latur. Dog bite cases from Latur Municipal Corporation area recorded in database during 1st No- vember 2013 to 31st October 2016 were included in the study.
Results:- Out of 7892 dog bite cases 39.64% were less than 18 years of age, 71.39% were males. Non-compliance with antirabies vac- cine was 41.81%. There were 79.84% defaulters among class II and III. Non-compliance was high when bite with pet and observable dog. Defaulter rate was almost similar amongst provoked and un- provoked dog bites. In 69.74% cases lower extremity was site of bite.
Conclusion:- The non-compliance was quiet high with predomi- nant exposure among males and children.
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