Study of Anaemia and Its Associated Risk Factors among Pregnant Women in a Rural Field Practice Area of a Medical College


  • Nazia Aram M Khan Dr SCG Medical College, Nanded
  • Venkat Ramana K Sonkar ACPM Medical College, Dhule
  • Vijay K Domple Dr SCG Medical College, Nanded
  • Ismail A Inamdar Dr SCG Medical College, Nanded


Anaemia, Pregnancy, socioeconomic status, Birth interval, haemoglobin


Background: Anaemia in pregnancy accounts for one fifth of maternal death worldwide. The association between anaemia and adverse pregnancy outcome, higher incidence of preterm & low birth weight deliveries has been demonstrated.

Objective: This research was conducted to study the prevalence of anaemia among pregnant women in the rural field practice area of a medical college and also to study some risk factors associated with anaemia among pregnant women.

Materials and Method: A community-based cross-sectional study was carried out among 350 pregnant women from August 2015 to December 2015 in the rural population of Mudkhed , Maharashtra. The study participants were selected by using simple random sampling method. The hemoglobin estimation was done. Data were collected and analyzed with SPSS version 16.

Results: Overall prevalence of the anaemia among pregnant women was found to be 84.85%. Various socio-demographic factors like Age, Education of women, Socioeconomic class, Gravid status, Gestational age, were found to be significantly associated with anaemia in pregnancy.

Conclusion: High prevalence of anemia among pregnant women indicates anaemia to be a major public health problem in the rural community. Factors such as socioeconomic status, and educational status contribute to this high prevalence.


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How to Cite

Khan NAM, Sonkar VRK, Domple VK, Inamdar IA. Study of Anaemia and Its Associated Risk Factors among Pregnant Women in a Rural Field Practice Area of a Medical College. Natl J Community Med [Internet]. 2017 Jul. 31 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];8(07):396-400. Available from:



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