A Comparative Study of Prevalence of Iron Deficiency Anaemia in Antenatal Women from Urban and Rural Area of Pune, India
anaemia, haemoglobin, morbidityAbstract
Introduction: Iron deficiency anaemia (IDA) is the most common nutritional deficiency in pregnant women. The study was conducted to study the prevalence of iron deficiency anaemia in the antenatal women of urban and rural areas and to identify some risk factors of iron deficiency anaemia and its association with IDA.
Material & Methods: A cross sectional study was conducted in urban and rural health training centres of a medical college in Pune. The antenatal women were the study subjects. A total of 180 ANC cases were recruited and studies from both the field practice area attending the outpatient clinics. Sociodemographic profile was recorded & anaemia was assessed using recently done haemoglobin reports in the present pregnancy. The study duration was 6 months. GCP and ethical guidelines were followed as advised for human studies.
Results: The prevalence of IDA in the study population was 66%. (rural=81%, urban=51%). IDA prevalence was 54% in primigravida and the prevalence increased as gravid status increased. Iron deficiency anaemia was seen statistically significantly associated with residence, illiteracy, type of diet, and gravida status of the pregnant women.
Conclusion: IDA has strong relation with residence (urban/rural), literacy level, social status, monthly income and dietary habits
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