Community Perception on Leprosy in the Islands
Leprosy, awareness, Andaman, KAPAbstract
Background: Leprosy is still a public health problem in India. The study was conducted to assess knowledge, attitude and belief about leprosy and the perceived stigma against leprosy patients in community.
Methodology: A cross-sectional study was carried in Andaman and Nicobar Islands among 533 people selected by systematic ran- dom sampling in January 2017 using a pre tested structured ques- tionnaire.
Results: Community perception on leprosy was analyzed on 533 respondents which included 331 females (62.10%) and 202 males
(37.71%). About 85.40% had heard about leprosy, 69.50% were aware about hypo pigmented patches and 32.50% knew that it spreads by close contact. Around one third were aware that lep- rosy is curable, free treatment available and may result in deform- ity if left untreated. 65.90 % didn't want to invite leprosy patient to their social gathering and 12.10% respondents thought that leprosy patient shouldn't be given same respect as others.
Conclusion: Level of knowledge of leprosy is insufficient, there- fore health education, frequent surveys, case detection along with regular and complete treatment play a crucial role for reducing the burden of this disease.
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