Knowledge Of Diabetic Foot Ulcer Care and Its Correlates Among Patients Visiting a Tertiary Care Hospital In Moradabad, India
care practices, Diabetic foot, knowledge, safe footwear, ulcer gradeAbstract
Introduction: Diabetes dramatically increases the risk of lower extremity amputation because of infected, non-healing foot ulcers. The objective was to assess the knowledge of diabetic foot practices and find association with socio-demographic variables in patients visiting a tertiary care hospital in Uttar Pradesh.
Methods: Hospital based cross-sectional study involving clinically diagnosed adult (>18 years) patients of Diabetic Foot.
Results: Maximum knowledge score was found in the age group 40-50 years, females, rural residence, semi-skilled/ skilled occupation, higher education, religion other than Hindu or Muslim, living alone and belonging to socio-economic class IV. The maximum attitude score in age>60 years, females, urban area, semi-skilled/ skilled workers, higher education, Hindu religion and living in a joint family. Among the practices, maximum score was seen in age>60 years, females, urban areas, semi-professional/ professional occupation and higher education. Significant association was seen with duration of Diabetes, prior receipt of information, treatment compliance and type of foot wear used.
Conclusion: This study highlights the importance of variables like compliance to treatment, barefoot walking, choice of footwear and grade of ulcer. Regular inculcation of health education and boosting self-care management during treatment will reduce the burden of this disease and reduce long term complications.
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