Physical Inactivity and Its Association with Hypertension in Adult Female Population of Srinagar, India: a Community Based Cross-Sectional Study
Physical inactivity, Hypertension, Waist circumference, Body Mass IndexAbstract
Background: Prevalence of physical inactivity is rising in many countries including the developing countries like India, with major implications for the general health of people. This study was carried out with an objective to find the prevalence of Physical inactivity and its association with Hypertension in adult female population of district Srinagar.
Methods: A cross-sectional community-based study was carried out among 800 female subjects of age group >18 years during September 2017 to February 2018. Multi stage random sampling method was used and Hypertension was classified as per the 2017 guideline (updated JNC 7). Physical Activity was measured using IPAQ short form.
Results: Prevalence of Physical Inactivity of 50.2%. Overall prevalence of Hypertension was 65.1% (Stage1=38.6% and Stage2=26.5). There was a linear positive correlation between Age with Diastolic Blood Pressure and Systolic Blood Pressure. The bivariate logistic regression indicated that risk of Physical inactivity increased with increasing age, marital and blood pressure status after adjusting for the effect of other variables in the model.
Conclusions: This study demonstrated that there is high prevalence of physical inactivity among adult women population of Srinagar which has a strong association with Hypertension.
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