Assessment of 10 Year Risk of Fatal or Non-Fatal Cardiovascular Disease Using WHO/ISH Charts in District Amritsar of Punjab (India)


  • Kanwal Preet Gill Sri Guru Ram Das Institute of Medical Sciences & Research, Amritsar
  • Priyanka Devgun Sri Guru Ram Das Institute of Medical Sciences & Research, Amritsar


Cardiovascular, charts, risk, assessment


Introduction: World Health Organization recommends use of WHO/ISH risk prediction charts for identifying those who are at high risk of cardiovascular disease. Hence, the current study was conducted to assess 10 year risk of cardiovascular disease among adult population of Amritsar.

Materials & Method: The study was conducted in Urban Health Training Centre of Sri Guru Ram Das Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Amritsar. The Attendants of patients coming to the centre for treatment in the age group of 40-65 years were included in the study. The sample size of 400 was calculated. WHO/ISH charts for South East Asian Region in the setting were used to es- timate fatal or non-fatal cardiovascular risk prediction for 10  years.

Results: Nearly half of study subjects (55.8%) were having low risk, 15.5% had moderate risk and 28.8% had high risk of cardio- vascular disease. The risk was found to be higher among men, in urban areas, among those who had lower level of education and among those who were belonging to medium or high income group.

Conclusion: There is a high risk of cardiovascular disease. Further research on larger population is required for appropriate intervention.


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How to Cite

Gill KP, Devgun P. Assessment of 10 Year Risk of Fatal or Non-Fatal Cardiovascular Disease Using WHO/ISH Charts in District Amritsar of Punjab (India). Natl J Community Med [Internet]. 2018 Jun. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 28];9(06):439-42. Available from:



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