Study Of Cardiovascular Risk Factors Among Transport Drivers in Rural Area Of Andhra Pradesh


  • Sharvanan Eshwaran Udayar PES Institute of Medical Sciences and Research, Kuppam, AP
  • Rajesh Kumar K Pondicherry Institute of Medical Sciences, Pondicherry
  • Praveen Kumar BA PES Institute of Medical Sciences and Research, Kuppam, AP
  • Sivachandiran Vairamuthu Karpaga Vinayaga Institute of Medical Sciences, Kanchipuram
  • Srinivas Thatuku Nellore Govt Medical college, Nellore


Hypertension, Transport Drivers, Risk Factors


Background: Non-communicable diseases are the leading causes of death globally and recent studies had demonstrated that transport drivers are at greater risk of developing cardiovascular diseases due to an incorrect diet, sedentary behavior, unhealthy lifestyles and ob- esity.

Objective: To characterize transport drivers working in shifts through the assessment of clinical and demographic variables and the presence of some cardiovascular risk factors.

Materials and methods: Cross sectional study was carried out among transport drivers of APSRTC of Kuppam. Data was collected regard- ing socio-demographic profile, morbidity status, perceived occupa- tional problems and anthropometry were also measured.

Results: Out of 244 transport drivers 114 were tobacco consumers and 139 subjects were alcohol consumers. Perceived reasons for smoking were it suppresses cold (28.04%) and enables to concentrate on work (20.73%). Perceived reasons for alcohol consumption were peer pressure (25.9%) and it suppresses cold (20.1%). 36.1% were pre- obese, 35.2% were obese, 22.95% were pre-hypertensive and 18.86% hypertensive. Duration of alcohol intake and tobacco use, BMI, WHR& WC were significantly associated with hypertension.

Conclusions: Higher prevalence of risk factors of cardiovascular dis- ease with various perceived reasons and they were statistically signif- icantly associated with hypertension.


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How to Cite

Udayar SE, Kumar K R, Kumar BA P, Vairamuthu S, Thatuku S. Study Of Cardiovascular Risk Factors Among Transport Drivers in Rural Area Of Andhra Pradesh. Natl J Community Med [Internet]. 2015 Dec. 31 [cited 2025 Feb. 7];6(04):566-70. Available from:



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