Behavioral And Psychosocial Risk Factors for Hypertension Among Bus Drivers and Conductors in Karnataka
Hypertension, Risk factors, Bus driversAbstract
Background: Hypertension being a disease of occupational origin, its prevalence is found to be high among those who work in a few selected occupational groups. Road transport professionals are one such group and due to their work needs, they tend to adapt to the lifestyle which makes them more vulnerable to developing such diseases in long run.
Objective: To identify behavioural and psychosocial risk factors for hypertension among bus drivers and conductors of NEKRTC, Raichur division.
Methods: A community based cross sectional study was carried out in two NEKRTC depots of Raichur division, Raichur. A total of 360 bus drivers and 338 conductors were interviewed. Data collection was done by interviewing bus drivers and conductors and by physical examination and analyzed using percentages and chi square test.
Results: The risk factors found to be significantly associated with hypertension in bus drivers and conductors were tobacco smoking, use of smokeless tobacco, alcohol consumption, duration of service, Body Mass Index and Waist Hip Ratio.
Conclusion and recommendations: Considering the association of hypertension with various risk factors in bus drivers and conductors, preventive measures like lifestyle modifications and regular high-risk screening program for early diagnosis needs to be promoted in them.
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