Covid Vaccine Side Effects and Covid Infection after Vaccination- A Cross Sectional Study in Hubballi, Karnataka
side effects, Covid-19 vaccines, co-morbidities, re-infection, breakthrough infectionAbstract
Introduction: Vaccination against Covid-19 has become the promising strategy in controlling rise in Covid cases. Covishield and Covaxin were the two vaccines initially available in India which have been administered to all those >18years of age. These vaccines exhibit a spectrum of side effects, which may affect vaccination rates. The study was conducted to estimate the frequency of side effects of Covid vaccines in India and their relationship with co-morbidities and prior Covid-19 infection.
Methodology: A cross sectional questionnaire-based online survey was conducted for duration of one month among 1800 participants who had received at least one dose of Covid vaccine at KIMS Hospital, Hubballi, Karnataka, selected using systematic random sampling and information about vaccination, comorbidities and covid infection after vaccination was collected.
Results: The most common side effects were fever, headache and generalised body ache. The prevalence of infection after complete vaccination with Covishield (4.45%) was higher than Covaxin (1.08%) and difference was statistically significant. The prevalence of side effects and Covid-19 infection after vaccination did not vary with co-morbidities.
Conclusion: The side effects reported were not serious and the prevalence was similar in both the vaccines. The prevalence of infection still remains high after vaccination; hence Covid Appropriate Behaviour should be continued.
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