Private Sector Involvement in Tuberculosis Control in An Urban City of Western India– A Cross-Sectional Study


  • Khushboo Hadiya Government Medical College, Surat, India
  • Rahul Damor Medical College Baroda, Vadodara, India
  • Hiteshree Patel Government Medical College, Surat, India
  • Mohamed Anas Mohamed Faruk Patni Ras Al Khaimah College of Medical Sciences (RAKMHSU), Ras Al Khaimah, United Arab Emirates
  • Kavita Bodar Pacific Institute of Medical Science, Udaipur, India
  • JK Kosambiya Government Medical College, Surat, India



Cross sectional study, National Tuberculosis Elimination Program, Private practitioners, sputum smear microscopy


Background: In India, TB diagnosis and treatment practices among Private Practitioners (PPs) vary widely and are not properly regulated by the national TB program. Despite their irrational and inequitable practises, PPs remain an important and preferred primary care provider for many people. The study was done to with the objectives to describe different diagnosis and treatment practices of Tuberculosis among private practitioners and their involvement in National Tuberculosis Elimination Program (NTEP).

Material and Methods: A cross sectional study was performed among 303 PPs during October 2020 to March 2021 by using stratified random sampling to select private practitioners based on their speciality.

Results: Most preferred investigation was Chest X ray (45.2%) followed by sputum smear microscopy (29.7%). Only 71.3% PPs practiced the correct regimen for new cases of Pulmonary TB according to NTEP. More than half of the PPs had TB training (59.7%). Majority of the PPs (90.1%) were involved in NTEP mainly by referral of TB patients to local government centres for treatment purpose.

Conclusion: Preferred investigation for diagnosis of pulmonary TB was chest X-ray followed by sputum examination among PPs. The treatment regimen and duration of treatment varies among PPs as per their clinical judgement and practice.


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How to Cite

Hadiya K, Damor R, Patel H, Patni MAMF, Bodar K, Kosambiya J. Private Sector Involvement in Tuberculosis Control in An Urban City of Western India– A Cross-Sectional Study. Natl J Community Med [Internet]. 2024 Apr. 1 [cited 2025 Mar. 12];15(04):276-82. Available from:



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