Self-Reported Condom Use and Incident Sexually Transmitted Diseases (Std) And Reproductive Tract Infections (RTI) Among Female Sex Workers: Is There Any Association?


  • Hinal Baria GMERS Medical College Valsad, Gujarat
  • JK Kosambiya Government Medical College, Surat
  • Rohit Parmar Government Medical College, Surat
  • SL Kantharia Government Medical College, Surat


Sexually Transmitted Infections, Reproductive Tract Infections, Female Sex Workers, condom


Background: Assessing the Quality of self reported condom use always remains a challenge as it cannot be measured and studies also shows the high reported condom use always do not report lower incidence of STIs among High Risk Groups.

Aims and Objective: The study was undertaken with the objective to find any association between self reported condom use and incident STIs/ RTIs among High Risk Group such as Female Sex Workers.

Methodology: It is a cross sectional study design carried out from August 2009 – June 2010, comprising of 519 Female Sex Workers of Surat City who are the beneficiaries of SAHYOG MAHILA MANDAL and EKTA MAHILA MANDAL (CBOs) and PARAS-PSM Project. Sampling Technique used was Purposive sampling.

Results: 1) 99.42% Female sex workers reported condom use with their clients in last week and of them 81.3% used condom every time of their each sexual acts. 2) 72.45% of FSWs reported of using condom with their husband/ regular partner and 61.7% of FSWs every time used condom with regular partner. 3) In spite of reporting of consistent condom use with client/ regular partner/husband around half of FSWs (client- 48.4%, regular partner/husband- 44.8%) found positive for STI/RTI on clinical examination( Per Vaginal/Per Speculum).

Conclusions: The study reveals that in high risk population self reported condom use is not associated with lower STD incidence.


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How to Cite

Baria H, Kosambiya J, Parmar R, Kantharia S. Self-Reported Condom Use and Incident Sexually Transmitted Diseases (Std) And Reproductive Tract Infections (RTI) Among Female Sex Workers: Is There Any Association?. Natl J Community Med [Internet]. 2012 Sep. 30 [cited 2024 Oct. 22];3(03):510-3. Available from:



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