Epidemiology of Covid-19 Positive Patients Admitted In a Dedicated Covid Hospital
Covid-19, herd immunity, vaccination, mortality, RTPCRAbstract
Introduction: The pandemic of Covid-19 was declared on 11 march 2020 by WHO.
Methods: The study was carried out in a dedicated Covid 19 hospital on 1493 patients. All patients who tested positive for Covid-19 by RTPCR were included in the study and the outcome was analysed.
Result: Most of the patients were symptomatic (64.97%). The asymptomatic patients recovered faster than symptomatic and the difference was statistically significant. The most common symptoms were fever (38.3%), tiredness (20.6%) and cough (17.8%). Only 0.8% patients died due to the novel corona virus.
Conclusion: The mortality due to the virus in India is not alarming and we need to consider starting focusing back on other diseases as well. The mean age of the deceased was 58.42 which highlights that elderly at a greater risk to succumb to disease and hence should be preferred for as priority one for vaccination against the disease. The numbers of Covid-19 cases have reduced considerably over last few months in the country, but this does not mean that the pandemic has gone away. We need to be cautious, use this opportunity to vaccinate the maximum population to prevent second wave of the disease.
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