To Find Accident Prone Zones and Nearest Health Facility by GIS Based Spatial and Network Analysis in Amritsar, Punjab
Road Traffic Accidents, GIS, Spatial analysis, Network analysisAbstract
Context: The use of Geographic Information System (GIS) as a real-time monitoring system for the control and management of accident events is well known as it provides a platform to perform various spatial and network analysis and also in the presentation of descriptive data.
Aim and Objective: This paper presents a GIS-based approach to find out areas prone to road traffic accidents based on spatial analysis and to analyze the spatial accessibility using network analysis
Material and Methods Accident particulars like date, location, time and outcome for the year 2015 were included in the GIS database. Moran’s I method of spatial autocorrelation was used for the assessment of spatial clustering of accidents and hotspots spatial densities. The clusters of high and low values of the severity of accidents were obtained using cluster and outlier analysis. Location-allocation was performed as part of network analysis to find the nearest hospital to these high-value clusters.
Results: Spatial autocorrelation showed that there was overall clustering present, cluster and outlier analysis gave clusters of severe accidents at NH-1 and Fortis hospital was the nearest facility to these clusters.
Conclusion: This system is highly useful and provides information about accident locations, accident and service diagnosis and fast delivery of emergency services.
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