Vitamin B12 Status in A Tertiary Care Center in Central Gujarat


  • Andrews Liggy C. U. Shah Medical College, Surendranagar, Gujarat
  • Tintu Thomas C. U. Shah Medical College, Surendranagar, Gujarat
  • Nambudiri Haridas PSMC, Karamsad


Vitamin B12 levels, Vegetarians


Introduction: Vitamin B12 deficiency usually presents with pernicious anemia or various neuropsychiatric manifestations such as neuropathy, myelopathy, dementia, cerebellar ataxia, optic atrophy, pscyhosis and mood disorders. Hence vitamin B12 deficiency should be identified. The local population in our area mainly comprises of vegetarians, this study was initiated with a view to assess their B12 status early, to rule out its deficiency and help to prevent further complications.

Methodology: We analyzed serum B12 levels in 396 cases by competitive chemiluminescent immunometric method using Immulite instrument.

Result: It was found that B12 levels were significantly low in 260(65.6%) patients (P<0.000). Majority 225 (86.5%) of the deficient patients were vegetarians and the deficiency was found less in non vegetarians (P<0.000). The B12 deficiency was evident more in patients below 50years (199 out of 396 i.e. 76.5%) of age as compared to those who are above 51 years of age (60 out of 396 i.e. 23.4%), with a P value <0.000. The deficiency was prevalent more in females 179 (68.8%) in comparison to males 81(31.1%) and the P<0.000. Our study found that B12 deficiency is quiet prevalent in local population (65.6%), the condition being worse in females. And it was also noticed that deficiency was relatively more in vegetarians.

Conclusion: The early detection of B12 deficiency could help in warding off the resultant complications.


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How to Cite

Liggy A, Thomas T, Haridas N. Vitamin B12 Status in A Tertiary Care Center in Central Gujarat. Natl J Community Med [Internet]. 2012 Sep. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 26];3(03):414-6. Available from:



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