Assessment of Quality of Healthcare in Secondary Health Care Systems Doiwala, District of Dehradun


  • Sheen Job Department of Community & Family Medicine, AIIMS, Rishikesh
  • Pradeep Aggarwal Department of Community & Family Medicine, AIIMS, Rishikesh
  • Surekha Kishore Director & CEO, AIIMS, Gorakhpur



healthcare, quality, patient satisfaction, Likerts scale


Introduction: In an era of increasing accountability throughout our society, it is not surprising that questions about the efficacy and efficiency of our health care system are also being raised. Both functional and technical qualities have to be monitored and managed effectively.

Objectives: To enhance service effectiveness CHC/PHC health delivery systems. To evaluate the quality of care rendered by CHC, PHCs, Sub centres, AWCs by IPHS guidelines, Likert’s scale and WHO Assessment tool. To assess the health workforce in their capabilities. Patient satisfaction in the quality of care.

Methodology: Out of the thirteen districts of Uttarakhand, the district of Dehradun has six blocks of which Doiwala is the largest block. A qualitative study design: One Community Health Centre namely CHC Doiwala, which has five Primary Health centres were studied using three different tools. (i) IPHS standards (ii) SARA (WHO) (iii) Likerts scale for patient satisfaction. However, in the COVID scenario some limitations have been considered in the study.

Results: The quality of health care in the healthcare delivery system has been assessed as per scale and has been found that factors of patient satisfaction, infrastructure and outcomes for assessment of quality are strong contending variables.

Conclusion: The PPP model has upgraded the healthcare system with substantial contribution from the private sector.


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How to Cite

Job S, Aggarwal P, Kishore S. Assessment of Quality of Healthcare in Secondary Health Care Systems Doiwala, District of Dehradun. Natl J Community Med [Internet]. 2020 Dec. 31 [cited 2025 Mar. 9];11(12):456-9. Available from:


