Patient Satisfaction with Services in Out-Patient Department at Tertiary Care Hospital of Patan District, Gujarat


  • Nitinkumar V Solanki GMERS Medical College, Dharpur, Patan, Gujarat
  • Deepak B Solanki AMC MET Medical College, Ahmedabad
  • Rakesh R Shah NHL Municipal Medical College, Ahmedabad


Patients' Satisfaction, Hospital, CLealiness, Out patient department, Doctor-patient relationship


Introduction: Patient satisfaction is a key determinant of quality of care it is a multidimensional healthcare issue affected by many factors. Patient satisfaction and healthcare service quality can be increased by using a multi-disciplinary approach.

Objectives: The study was done to find out satisfaction level of the patient; to study their bio-social characteristics; and to give recommendations regarding improvement in health center services.

Methodology: Study was conducted in GMERS Medical College Dharpur, Patan. Sample size of 151 was calculated Results

Results: A total of 151 patients visiting the OPD belonged to 7-75 age groups. Most of the patients (80%) felt that there was good cleanliness in waiting area. Only 50% patients knew about drinking facilities was present in OPD area. Regarding the Doctor-Patient Relationship 90%, patients felt that doctor was listening to them carefully and 79% felt that doctor gave them full information about their disease. Around 70% patients were fully satisfied by the treatment given by the doctor. More than 85% patients felt happy with the behavior of doctors and Nurses towards them. More than 80% patients want to come again.

Conclusion: Overall the study showed a good level of satisfaction of patients with OPD services obtained from this tertiary care centre.


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How to Cite

Solanki NV, Solanki DB, Shah RR. Patient Satisfaction with Services in Out-Patient Department at Tertiary Care Hospital of Patan District, Gujarat. Natl J Community Med [Internet]. 2017 Jun. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 26];8(06):334-7. Available from:



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