A Study of Osteoarticular Tuberculosis in A Tertiary Care Hospital of Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh


  • Saurabh Sharma PCMS&RC, Bhopal, MP
  • Sanjay Kumar Gupta CMC, Vellore
  • Atul Varshney CMC, Vellore
  • Archa Sharma CMC, Vellore
  • Akhil Bansal GMC Bhopal
  • Ashlesh Choudhary PCMS&RC, Bhopal, MP


Osteoarticular, Tuberculosis, Tertiary care hospital, Bhopal MP


Background: Osteoarticular tuberculosis (TB) represents 1–5% of all cases of tuberculous disease and 10–18% of extra pulmonary involvement. Signs and symptoms are frequently nonspecific making the disease difficult to diagnose. This study was conducted to find out the trend of various osteoarticular TB.

Methods: It was a hospital based descriptive study

Results Of the total 118 were studied , maximum were in the age group of between 21-30 years .Males were higher 58 % (68) than females 42.37 %( 50). Maximum cases were from Rural background 73%   (87). Hindus were maximum 87.28 %( 103) cases followed by Muslims 12 %( 14) . According to site of the joint various Regions/Joints were involved, most common osteotuberculr site was Spine 75.57% (88) followed by Hip12.71% (15), least common site observed in our study was shoulder joints . Other associated medical conditions were also observed like Psoas abscess in 6.8% (8), paraplegia/paresis in 11.84% (14) and Pleural Effusion in 5.93% (7) cases. Around 16.10% (19) cases underwent surgeries, 4.23% (5) cases confirmed by biopsy. After conducting this study we learnt that many time we unable to reach firm diagnosis of bony problem or not responding to usual treatment in that time very high chance patients may have osteoarticular tuberculosis.

Conclusion: TB spine is the comments site of osteoarticular tuberculosis, so developing country like India any person walk in the department with history of spinal problems always to be consider   TB one of the cause.


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How to Cite

Sharma S, Gupta SK, Varshney A, Sharma A, Bansal A, Choudhary A. A Study of Osteoarticular Tuberculosis in A Tertiary Care Hospital of Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh. Natl J Community Med [Internet]. 2013 Mar. 31 [cited 2025 Mar. 28];4(01):117-20. Available from: https://njcmindia.com/index.php/file/article/view/1472



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