A Retrospective Record-Based Study to Identify the Indications and Outcomes of Obstetric Referrals to A Tertiary Care Centre in Gujarat, India


  • Krishna Mehta GMERS Medical College and Hospital, Junagadh, India
  • Kapil Govani GMERS Medical College and Hospital, Junagadh, India
  • Ashutosh Jogia GMERS Medical College and Hospital, Junagadh, India
  • Rahulgiri Aparnathi GMERS Medical College and Hospital, Junagadh, India
  • Kaushik Lodhiya GMERS Medical College and Hospital, Junagadh, India
  • Smit Kotadiya GMERS Medical College and Hospital, Junagadh, India




Emergency Obstetric care, Obstetric referral, pregnancy outcome, public health system, referral communication


Background: Obstetric referral services in the public health system play a crucial role in managing obstetric emergencies. However obstetric referrals to tertiary care centres should be used judiciously and effectively and not convenience-based.

Objectives: To study the indications of obstetric referrals from primary and secondary care centres and to assess the referral communications and outcome of referred mothers.

Methods: This was a retrospective record-based study done at a tertiary care centre in Gujarat from January to December 2022. All obstetric referrals during the study period were included in the study. Non-obstetric referrals and registered antenatal cases were excluded from the study.

Results: Of 1227 mothers referred 62.7% were referred from CHC and 34.7% from SDH. 96.7% of them were referred to in the first stage of labour. There was no pre-referral communication in about 44% of referrals. Referral slip was incomplete in 15% of the mothers. Two-thirds of them had normal delivery (64.5%). Only 3.7% of mothers needed ICU support. 97.91% of the mothers had live births.

Conclusion: Unjustified, unindicated, and convenience-based referrals from peripheral health centres and poor referral communication were noted. This study highlights the need for formulation, implementation and monitoring of an obstetric referral policy to avoid clogging tertiary care centres with patients that can be managed at peripheral health centres.


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How to Cite

Mehta K, Govani K, Jogia A, Aparnathi R, Lodhiya K, Kotadiya S. A Retrospective Record-Based Study to Identify the Indications and Outcomes of Obstetric Referrals to A Tertiary Care Centre in Gujarat, India. Natl J Community Med [Internet]. 2024 Jan. 1 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];15(01):56-61. Available from: https://njcmindia.com/index.php/file/article/view/3458



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