Knowledge of Hand Hygiene in Health Care Workers of a Tertiary Hospital in Navi Mumbai


  • Fazila N Patankar Terna Medical College, Navi Mumbai
  • Abhiram Behera Terna Medical College, Navi Mumbai


Hand Hygiene, Health care workers, Health Care Associated infection


Background: Hand hygiene is recognized as the leading measure to prevent cross-transmission of microorganisms and to reduce the incidence of health care associated infections . Despite the relative simplicity of this procedure, compliance with hand hygiene among health care providers is as low as 40%.

Objectives- The research was undertaken to study knowledge regarding hand hygiene among healthcare workers in a tertiary care hospital; to study the socio demographic correlates of the same; and also to study association between training and knowledge of hand hygiene in health care workers (HCW) of a tertiary care hospital.

Methodology: A cross-sectional hospital based study was carried out in healthcare workers in a tertiary care hospital and FRU in Navi Mumbai. A total of 140 HCW’s were interviewed and their knowledge was assessed using WHO’s hand hygiene questionnaire for health care workers. Data Analysis: SPSS version software 21was used and appropriate tests of significance were applied.

Results: 88.54 % of the study subjects had average to poor knowledge and only 69.3% had received formal training in hand hygiene.


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How to Cite

Patankar FN, Behera A. Knowledge of Hand Hygiene in Health Care Workers of a Tertiary Hospital in Navi Mumbai. Natl J Community Med [Internet]. 2019 Oct. 31 [cited 2025 Mar. 12];10(10):541-5. Available from:



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