Educational Intervention Regarding Hypertension and Its Preventive Measures Among College Students in Gandhinagar City, Gujarat
Hypertension, Non-Communicable DiseasesNon-Communicable Diseases, College students, Knowledge, Blood pressureAbstract
Background: Adolescence is an age of transition and clearly recognized for its vulnerability to adoption of behavior predisposing to hypertension development. This study was conducted to assess knowledge of college students regarding hypertension and its preventive measures before and after educational interventional training.
Methods: This interventional study was undertaken in government Commerce college of Gandhinagar city during January to March 2016 using pre-designed, pre-tested and semi structured questionnaire. Single educational interventional training for 45 minutes was given to selected adolescent girls. Post– intervention knowledge of students for the same was assessed after training.
Results: Baseline knowledge of the students regarding normal range of blood pressure, risk factors of hypertension and signs and symptoms of hypertension was 30%, 40% and 21% respectively which was significantly increased to 79%, 72% and 72% respectively after the intervention. . Baseline knowledge of the students regarding preventive measures of hypertension like avoiding junk food/ healthy diet, exercise and meditation was 23%, 25% and 4% respectively which was significantly increased to 66%, 55% and 41% respectively after the intervention.
Conclusion: There was significant improvement in the knowledge regarding hypertension and its preventive measures among college students after our single educational session.
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