Herpes Zoster in Children: A Clinico- Epidemiological Study Over 4 Years at A Tertiary Center in Gujarat


  • Pooja Agarwal AMC MET Medical College, Ahmedabad
  • Amit Mistry AMC MET Medical College, Ahmedabad
  • Neela Patel AMC MET Medical College, Ahmedabad


Childhood, herpes zoster, immunosuppression


Introduction: Earlier considered a rare disease, childhood herpes zoster is showing an increasing incidence. This study was con- ducted to study the clinical features of herpes zoster (HZ) in chil- dren below 12 years of age along with immune suppression status.

Materials and Methods: The study was carried out in the Depart- ment of Dermatology at a Tertiary Care Centre in Gujarat for 4 years. Children aged ≤12 years with a diagnosis of HZ were en- rolled in a predesigned pro forma. Diagnosis was mainly clinical with use of Tzanck smears in difficult cases. ELISA for HIV was done in all cases.

Results: Total of 51 children aged ≤12 years were enrolled in the study. Male predominance was seen. The mean age was 8.74 years. 72.5% patients had localized dermatomal involvement and dis- semination was not seen. Majority of patients (51%) did not have any preceding symptoms. Prior exposure to varicella was present in only 19 (37.3%) cases. Evidence of immunosuppression on his- tory, clinical examination, and investigations was present in 11(21.5%).

Conclusion: Although childhood HZ is increasing, atypical pres- entations and dissemination are rare. Immunosuppression does not play a major role in these patients. We conclude that HZ in children follows a relatively benign course as compared to adults.


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How to Cite

Agarwal P, Mistry A, Patel N. Herpes Zoster in Children: A Clinico- Epidemiological Study Over 4 Years at A Tertiary Center in Gujarat. Natl J Community Med [Internet]. 2016 Jun. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 28];7(06):536-9. Available from: https://njcmindia.com/index.php/file/article/view/994



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